Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Free Jumpsuit Patterns

Edited July 9, 2009
The patterns have a new home. I will be giving away more patterns as I clean out my collection. Check the "give away" category for new offers.

Edited July 6, 8009

There was no interest as of June 30th, so if you want these patterns, leave me a comment. First come first served. If there are no takers by July 15, 2009, I will donate them to the thrift shop.

Jumpsuits are back in style, but I won't be wearing them, so I have free patterns if you can use them. If anyone can use these, please leave a comment, and I will have one of those random selectors pick a number on June 30, 2009.

Uncut patterns size range 16-22.

These patterns have been cut to a size 22-24, and are probably altered for my long waist, short legs and big bottom.


Auset's Stitched Treasures said...

Hi there,
I'll take the patterns if they are still available.

citybeautifulstyle said...

Hello cindy,

I would love to have the jumpsuit patterns if you still have them.



Unknown said...

Would Love, Love, Love, to try some of these patterns... been looking for a Jumpsuit pattern everywhere. much love x x =)

Sarah van Ours said...


are the jumpsuits still availabe?
i they are, I would like them!

thank you!